

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Twitter App Not A Valid URL Solved

Twitter App Not A Vlaid URL Solved

Twitter App Not A Valid URL Solved

Twitter App Not A Valid URL, getting this error while App Name, Description and URL even everything is perfect yet you still getting "Error validation failed" or "Not a valid URL format" don't worry I was also facing this problem when I was creating app for my site and then thorough Google search I finally found this simple solution and succeeded creating app without any kind of trouble or error for creation of successful App please follow these simple steps hope your problem will solved.

You go to you click on create an app... what exact data do you put in both the Website and Callback URL fields? (Both require explicit URLs, but you can leave callback URL blank). The website field is required.

Note: If problem still remain please use Internet Explorer its another way of solving this problem

Your application name. This is used to attribute the source of a tweet and in user-facing authorization screens. 32 characters max.

Your application description, which will be shown in user-facing authorization screens. Between 10 and 200 characters max.

Your application's publicly accessible home page, where users can go to download, make use of, or find out more information about your application. This fully-qualified URL is used in the source attribution for tweets created by your application and will be shown in user-facing authorization screens.
(If you don't have a URL yet, just put a placeholder here but remember to change it later.)

Where should we return after successfully authenticating? OAuth 1.0a applications should explicitly specify their oauth_callback URL on the request token step, regardless of the value given here. To restrict your application from using callbacks, leave this field blank.


If you problem solved please leave a feedback and help us to share this post please :)


  1. This is not even a solution.seriously u r kidding here.

    1. Em not copying from anywhere I also faced this problem and was solved via this method that is why I shared my experience here

  2. Hey!! Yeah its working :) Thank you

  3. its working great post but live blank last filed .

  4. Can you just put your email address?

  5. Can you just put your email address?

